My Blog

8 Stress Free Scents with Essential Oils

8 Stress Free Scents with Essential Oils

Aromatherapy for Stress and Anxiety Aromatherapy is one of the most pleasant ways to calm ourselves and feel better. It’s quick, fast and easy because our sense of smell triggers powerful physical and emotional responses. Inhaling Essential Oils for Stress When an...

Relationship Reality vs Fairy Tale Fantasy

Relationship Reality vs Fairy Tale Fantasy

“One day your prince will come” and other Fairy tales we were taught growing up. Maybe you believed them, maybe you still do or maybe you don’t. But it’s what the movies and advertising are continuing to teach. “You are not enough if you’re not beautiful and with...

Is the New Positivity Trend Making Us More Negative?

Is the New Positivity Trend Making Us More Negative?

Be Positive—the New Moral Compass The growing trend that says positivity is the right way may be the very thing that is creating anger and frustration. Which are the so-called ‘negative emotions’ that it says to avoid. Of course being positive is… well… positive but...

Is it SAD or the Winter Blues?

Is it SAD or the Winter Blues?

Have you been feeling sad lately? Having issues with sleep? Waking up tired? And generally feeling ‘blah’? This could be common symptoms that many experience in the fall and winter seasons in varying degrees. Or it could be the more intense depression of SAD (Seasonal...

Boost your Feelings Vocabulary with This List

Boost your Feelings Vocabulary with This List

Feelings and the corresponding words are something that most of us weren’t taught, or taught well, growing up. In fact, they may never have been taught well and so what’s been passed down the generations are simple words for complex feelings or worse… no words at all....

Forget Your GOALS and RESOLUTIONS This Year…

Forget Your GOALS and RESOLUTIONS This Year…

What have you got to lose?… most people don’t continue past January anyway. Why put yourself through that and feel worse in the end because you feel you’ve failed? That feeling of failure can be worse than staying ‘un-changed’. Shame and Guilt weighs you down....

How to Make Happiness a Practice and Not About Perfection

How to Make Happiness a Practice and Not About Perfection

As Bruce Lee is quoted to say “I don’t fear the man that has practiced 10,000 kicks. I fear the man that has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times.”   Well so it is with your relationships and in your personal life. How do we do anything well? We practice. This seems easy to...

How to Control Emotions: Taming Your Inner Beast

How to Control Emotions: Taming Your Inner Beast

Have you ever wondered how to control your emotions or tame your inner beast? By that I mean the emotions that explode or creep up on you from out of nowhere. It could be anger, resentment, sadness or other feelings. Even love can feel out of control and scary at...

The Hidden Life Rules

The Hidden Life Rules

In society, there are hidden life rules or conditions accepted as normal—"the way life is." Words and phrases such as “boys don’t cry” or “the early bird gets the worm” are shared throughout the world without most of us questioning whether or not they are true or...

Stress and Anxiety – Calm and Find Confidence with This Technique

Stress and Anxiety – Calm and Find Confidence with This Technique

Stress and Anxiety isn’t something that needs to be fixed. It’s an unneeded process of handling fear (often unconscious fear). The hitch is... the process has become so automatic that we’re not even aware of it… or the fear. Causes of Stress and Anxiety There are many...

Relationships: Hard Work or Adventure?

Relationships: Hard Work or Adventure?

Successful relationships are a Work in Progress Has your relationship become stale or filled with constant conflict? It’s probably because it’s stopped growing. Do you even look at your partner anymore? Or if you do is it only when you’re mad? Relationships stop...

Stress Can be Good for You

Stress Can be Good for You

Stress and anxiety are aspects of our lives that aren’t going away very easily. Even so, you’re more powerful and in control than you think. It may seem that stress controls you because it’s more powerful. But it isn’t, you’re letting it. Stress as a Helpful Tool...

Thinking of Leaving Your Relationship? Read this…

Thinking of Leaving Your Relationship? Read this…

Relationship stress is hard But that daily relationship stress is nothing compared to the pain and changes you’ll go through with divorce or separation. It’s a misinterpretation to think divorce is easy judging by the rising rates. You’d think it’s as simple as...

Your Goal for Happiness, Peace and Success Starts Here – Part 1

Your Goal for Happiness, Peace and Success Starts Here – Part 1

Our Choices Create Our Experiences All our choices are based on the information we have and that’s made up of what we’ve learned and experienced in the past. It’s a mix of emotions and facts. But even cold hard facts can be distorted because, as we are meaning making...

Your Goal for Happiness and Success Starts Here – Part 2

Your Goal for Happiness and Success Starts Here – Part 2

Our goals and what we want can get confusing. Which is often why we end up not fully satisfied with the outcome. Take the weather as an easy example, when it’s cold we want it to be hot and then when it’s hot…..well you know. It seems that asking for one thing means...

Reconnect with Your Partner – A Relationship Exercise

Reconnect with Your Partner – A Relationship Exercise

The 15 Minute Exercise 15 minutes?..Yes that’s all you’ll need to reconnect with your partner again. And what happens when you feel connected in your relationship? Your anxiety and stress goes down, you sleep better, communicate better and feel happy. What’s there to...

Not Happy? Not Unhappy? …You’re in the Comfort Zone

Not Happy? Not Unhappy? …You’re in the Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone can be like the Dead Zone when you’re neither Happy nor Unhappy. At first escaping to comfort isn’t all bad— it’s helpful. Like a reward, we’re happy and feel relieved with the break from the anxiety and stresses of life. But when escaping becomes the...

Moving From Fear to Excitement

Moving From Fear to Excitement

The Fear of failure can stop you in all areas of your life — career, dating, exercising and connections with family, partners and friends. Fear is a powerful emotion that controls our behaviour regardless of what you say you want — it can make you Hide, Shake, Freeze...

Are You On Track to Meet Your Goals?

Are You On Track to Meet Your Goals?

We often hear ‘stay on track with your goal’ or ‘Don’t stray from your goal’  — But how do you discern whether you’re on track or not? Here’s 2 quick steps to help you out. Step 1: Understand Your Values. Your values are what determine the direction or goal. What’s...

The Truth About Addiction

The Truth About Addiction

All of us are addicted in some way -  whether it’s work, wine, sex, cigarettes, drugs, relationships, internet, tv or shopping. Our smart phones have become the latest addiction. We pick them up whenever we get a second of down time. Yet the action in itself isn’t the...